Friday, 18 December 2009

Pier review suits the car-crew

The Bradenton Herald reports that Anna Maria's City Pier may be getting 'a companion boardwalk made of heavy timbers in time for the pier’s 100-year birthday in 2011'. Sounds interesting.

It continues. 'The proposed $877,000 boardwalk, or nature walk, which would run perpendicular to the pier, was part of the Florida Department of Transportation’s tentative five-year work program outlined Monday ... About 360 feet long and running on either side of the 740-foot pier, the walk will allow tourists to sit on benches and gaze out at the bay rather than have to sit in their cars'.

So we're building a great big boardwalk to try to coax out into the open those people choose to sit in their cars when outside the sun is shining and all the attractions of this part of the island are just the other side of the windshield?

Don't quite understand that. Why not just make access to the quiet part of the island around the northern tip a bit better? You can only park in a couple of places, there is only a few walkways between the houses and yet it's one of the nicest bits of beach.

Actually, on second thoughts. Let the car-crew stay over on the bay side, and we'll enjoy the peace and quiet to be found on Anna Maria for those willing to use their legs once in a while...

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