Tuesday, 21 July 2009

All's well that ends well

We love a happy turtle story on Anna Maria Island, and so the events of Monday morning came as a nice surprise.
According to a report in the Port Charlotte Sun, two loggerhead sea turtles were put back into Sarasota Bay and reported to be swimming with renewed vigor after Mote Marine Laboratory's Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital nursed them back to health.
Mote staff and volunteers released the adult female that was stranded on March 29 near Siesta Beach, and a subadult female that was stranded May 15 between Egmont Key and Anna Maria.
Both turtles dug their flippers into the sand and rushed seaward, the agency reports.
Padme and Ahsoka were suffering from lethargic loggerhead syndrome, an illness of uncertain origin that can immobilize loggerhead sea turtles, a threatened species protected by federal law. Thankfully they set off okay and were fitted with chips so Mote staff can locate them in the future.

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